The 4th was lots of fun with lots of family and friends. Carmen and Carrie both came down this year and I'm so glad they did. They are 2 of the greatest friends in the whole world! We spent the day at the pasture like last year. The only downfall was that it was so dry we couldn't do fireworks. Major bummer, but we dealt with it. We had 4 wheelers, volleyball, horseshoes, slip-n-slides and a huge blow up water slide. It was hot, but we had a good time. Here are just a few of the millions of pics we took.
Hanging with the girls the night before the 4th

Rigo and I

The awesome water slide. Even the grown ups were able to play on this thing. Abigail swam in it for a good 8 hours!
Carmen and Carrie 4 wheeling
I got splashed by ice cold water-she thought it was funny

Sharing her drink with daddy

We had lots to eat that day

Here is the very cool 26 foot skim board thing that Carrie purchased. It's like surfing on a slip-n-slide. Lots tried...but nobody became a pro that day.
Here is Rigo wiping out

My Poppa wiping out-Yes he tried it

Carrie just using it as an old fashioned slip-n-slide. I was not as graceful as she was, but it was fun!!
I may have more pics to post if Carmen will email me hers. Hint hint.... :)