Friday, August 15, 2008

Binky Backup

Judging from these pictures I guess you could say that Abigail LOVES her binky's. She crawled room to room like this the other day. Aunt Erica thought it was too cute and snapped some shots. I guess she's afraid that Kaden may steal one and she'll need to have very quick access to another. Let me tell you, she's quick on the draw too. It takes about 1 second to get one of those in her mouth if you take one of them out. It took her quite awhile to even learn to take one, and now you can't hardly take it away. It was pretty cute though seeing her roaming around with 3 of them!


Amanda said...

So cute! Ava loves her binky too! We ALWAYS make sure we have one wherever we go and we have quite the stash at our house too!

The Combs Clan said...

That is too funny! Mason did the exact same thing. We never went anywhere without at least 4 or 5 of those wierd green binkys. They are the only ones he would take. They look like sucker fish when they get to going really fast!