Saturday, July 12, 2008

They grow up too fast....

I've always heard this, but never really quite understood it. Abigail has grown so much so fast. It seems like yesterday I was doing everything for her....and it really is like it was yesterday. Now she feeds herself a lot and plays by herself. When I took her for her 9 month check up our doctor said start putting her formula in a sippy cup to wean her off the bottle by the time she's a year old. Well I did that and she took to it so well that she is already completely off the bottle and drinks everything from a sippy cup. She'll only be 10 months old tomorrow. It makes me a little sad to see how fast she's changing. When her daddy was here he practiced walking with her and now she wants to do it all the time. He asked me today if I was practicing....and well, I have a little, but I don't want her to grow up too fast. I know it's just walking, but I want her to be a baby. :( But I guess I'll work on it for him. Oh, not only does she drink out of her sippy cup, but she does it sitting up. No more lying down to drink her milk.


The Hyde Family said...

I am so proud of her! Sippy Queen!

Unknown said...

They do grow up too fast. I am impressed with the cup. Ryder is 9 1/2 months and LOVES his bottle! I haven't been very good at giving him a sippy cup. But I am a mom who takes the bottle away at 1 year, so he has a few months left to enjoy it!

Aunt Tricia said...

Oh Alicia, she is beautiful. I am crying my eyes out looking at all the pictures. It is so hard to believe you and Erica are mothers. I have missed out on so much and am now so sad for it. You are so right when you say family is so important. They grow so fast. I will have to figure out how to do this so I can post pictures. I love and miss you and Erica. Love those kids with all your heart.

Amanda said...

Abigail is such a cutie! I love all her hair! What a big girl drinking out of her sippy cup. I'm sure I'll blink and Ava will be there too! They do grow up way too fast!